Hi all,

Recently one of our HCRN member was pressed by the sponsor to provide a Service Provider Agreement for outside Radiology facilities regarding CTs. This sparked some interesting conversation within the network on their experiences and practices.I'll recap here a summary of the exchanges.STG thinks that having a service agreement is sensible - it documents your agreement with the outside entity, but it can be in the form of an email, a verbal agreement, or just a letter, no need for a lawyer driven process. However sponsors has no right to view this, it is a private arrangement between the site and the provider.Lismore has also been requested to provide the same type of agreement for all external entities (radiology, pathology, pharmacy etc.) The sponsor has also provide a document as template. The issue is yet to be resolves but will not be easy or quick and will result in some studies not going ahead.

For More Details:-
Vendor Management System Example
